Hey everyone... technology rules!!! I love being able to put these videos up here for you to watch. I will eventually make a link on the right to watch videos.
Anyways... many of you may recall a post i did on fetlah (click on that word to see the full post... or read the following excerpt...)
fetlah... so what it is is this: the guy takes a really long piece of dental floss type string and puts one end in between his teeth and then makes an intricate web of strings around his fingers. he then pulls it tight using his teeth so that all the little web holes close up... around the excess hairs on your face which rips them out with excrutiating force. my eyes were watering and on the verge of forming tears... especially when he did it around my ears. OUCH! after the fetlah and him trimming my nose hair, i feel all groomed up!
Well now that I have the ability to post video... I see it as my duty to bring you a video of my brother receiving the special treat of fetlah! Enjoy... you'll know that I did by how much I laughed in the background while filming it! haha...
cool stuff,
culture fun,
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