These are the microbuses. The different forms of transportation are the metro (subway), the autobuses (big buses like in America), microbuses and taxis. We live right near a microbus station so it is pretty crazy. The usual method of knowing which one goes where is a guy or a boy hanging out the window yelling where they are going over and over again. The people here are pretty hacked off right now because the prices of everything just went up. Our gas prices went up to $0.85/gallon so microbusses are now $0.13.
My brother has 4 boys and they are in the process of adopting 2 girls from china. So I told my friend H (who by the way says hi to my brother Chris), that Chris is going to buy a microbus to drive around all those kids... and that Chris will hang out the window and scream where he is going (home! home! home! or supermakret! supermarket! supermarket!). He thought that was pretty stinkin' funny.
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