there are no olan mills, sears, or jcpenney studios over here... so when we watned have to get landon's portraits done we had to go to a photo processing store. its basically like the walmart photo lab and the walmart portrait studio in one.
the studio has all sorts of examples of kids portraits in the window in which they superimpose them with cartoon characters. we posted one of those photos back in the day that you may recall... the one where droopy the dog is pointin' a six-shooter at your kids head. lovely, eh?
well, the studio we had gone to was in another part of town. the other day we were back in that part of town and our friend told us that we had to go to the photo lab and check it out. so off we went and when we arrived this is what we saw. they had decided to spruce up the window display and ditch the pics with the cartoons... instead they have a picture of our son in the window... along with many other national folks... but landon is right in the center and he is like an 11x14 photo. have a peak...
and a close up...
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Well, he is the cutest little blond boy I've EVER seen displayed in a window such as that!! I'll take one! he should be, in the center of it all! Our most popular little guy. Proud to know him. Can't wait to see little Josiah in person.