this is nearly a religion here!
there is a big competition going on right now called the africa cup of nations. being in the middle east & north africa everyone in our region is football crazy right now. yvonne and i have really gotten into the games. they are a lot like hockey... but on grass, the puck is a ball, the players don't wear quite the same quanittiy of padding, there are no penalties for icing (perhaps because there is no ice) or any other penalty that is similar to icing, the clock rarely, if ever, stops, most of the players are black (i think the nhl has like 3 black hockey players in all) and the fans are much more psychotic than hockey fans. can you see all the similarities?
earlier today there was a game between senegal and guinea. tonight there is a big competition between the democratic republic of congo and egypt. should be quite a good game. hopefully i will be able to tune it in on the television!
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