ahlan wa sahlan = welcome
so... welcome bird flu.
the bird flu has been detected in our city and they are in the process of a big bird cull (a.k.a. they be killin' a lot of chickens).
well anyway... we're not worried even though all of the nationals here are very paranoid. our favorite street chicken place is basically out of business for the time being because everyone seems to think you can get it from eating chicken... which isn't true for all y'all uninformed folks out there. you basically have to come in contact with bird poo. there have been a total of 90 recorded cases of bird flu in humans... ever... but 1/2 of those 90 have died. it is thought that most of them got it by being near areas heavily populated by chickens... farms, etc... and some poopy dried up, flaked off into the air and then the humans inhaled it. so anyway... all that to say that we are pretty confident that we have nothing to worry about. (click here if you want some info on bird flu from the World Health Organization)
so this discussion was brought up by a friend and she mentioned that we needed to watch out for balady (local) eggs because they sometimes have a little poopy on them. so that prompted the question of what orrifice do the eggs come out of. My choice was that they come out the same spot or the chicken equivalent as all other babes. the ladies seemed to think that they were pooped out. me, being a man of utmost sophistication and logic stated, "that just don't make no sense." so i googled it (gotta love google) and i discovered that the eggs do indeed exit the same orifice as all other babes. now i'll go and do the right thing and call my friend and tell her how wrong she was! :)
so don't worry about us and that whole avian influenza thingy. we're cautious but not freaked out at all.
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