If you look carefully... on the edge of the window on the driver's side door you will see a white panel and there is an "in-n-out burger" sticker... but there are no in-n-out burger restaurants here. we always see stickers on cars that make no sense like that... like once we saw a giant red lobster sticker on somebody's rear window. another time we saw a giant piggly wiggly sticker in the back window. whatever :)
not baby on board... but a tiny person on board! i love that.
this taxi driver's door broke on my side after i got in so i had to dukes of hazard my way out of it.
Landon fell and chipped his tooth (really small chip... barely notciable) and he was crying up a storm so i bought him a little cup of ice cream to sooth the pain and make him happy. he gave up on the little spoon and started shoveling it out with his hand... cute.
He loves to jump off of things into my arms!
Here we are at Johnny Carinos Country Italian restaurant which is on a boat. Lots o' fun. We loved this retaurant in texas so we love it here too.
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I love your hair. It looks so good!!! It is so good to see pictures. I miss you all!!!