so here is the long... and i do mean long... awaited answer to The "more often than not bi-weekly or even longer" Weekly Culture Quiz
we were surprised to see the groom and his dad dancing with...
a gun!a gun!
i fooled the most of y'all. most everyone voted for a pig! i threw that one in there because i was sure it would throw y'all off and i was right! whoohoo! chalk another one up for me! That puts the total at 4 points for y'all and 4 points for me. i love to win! i got a fever... and the only prescription is to whoop some blog reader bootie! you might not see the new question up right away because i got a think up a good one!
here are some pics for your viewing pleasure. at some points they would join hands and swing that pistol around... and later i saw a kid dancing with it... sure hope it wasn't loaded.
by the way... they never fired it like we were told was done in the past because too many people died from stray bullets.
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