this is such a wonderful way for us to unplug. we live about a quarter mile from a beautiful river. it is very pretty to ride the feluca boats at sunset and the wind makes it cool and the noise of the city seems to disappear... and all for about $4.50/hr.
here are some pics of us riding the boats there...
first is a picture of landon and i on the boat... as a dad i will treasure this pic forever...
who couldn't love this kid?

this one should be a postcard.

this is a pic from when my brother was in town about a month ago... we take everyone that comes to visit out on to the boats because they are so nice and beautiful... and so quiet!
my brother is in the back left and that is our friend kim in the front.

ok so can you explain more about why you have to call out "Tim" to properly address her in public? it sounds like an interesting custom. I just want to understand it more.
thanks man
we're love and miss you guys think of you often!