we were driving down a *busy* street tonight with 4 of us adults (5 if you count the taxi driver) and 2 kiddos in the car. i was riding in the front and was holding landon in my lap. he played with the taxi driver's stuff for a while, broke a something rather that was hanging around his rear-view mirror. so i decided to turn him around and let him look outside. he was having fun looking at everything going by and i was helping him wave at random people... a minute or so later i look over and there is a guy attempting (and he eventually succeeded) to take a picture of landon on my lap waving at him through the car window (it was down) with his camera phone... so here he is... driving down a busy street at night, he is not looking at the road... he is looking at my son and pointing his camera at him... oh yeah... and he was smoking a cigarette, which was in the same hand as the phone... and then *flash* he shot a picture of landon (yes... his camera phone had a flash).
huwwa aba sayea khollas.
(we learned this little phrase the other day. huwwa is he, aba sayea is an area of town with a very large and well known mental hospital, and khollas means completely. so loosely translated it means he was completely mental!)
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