Before leaving America we bought a home studio. It has a backdrop holder, light boxes and a remote transmitter. Here are some pics from our first time using it.This picture shows the boys' personalities so well! Landon is our calm boy and Josiah is a rascal. He looks like he is scheming right now... rubbing his hands together like Mr. Skinner in the Simpsons "Exxxxcelllent!"
I just love this expression. I don't know why it's so funny to me but I just crack up everytime I look at it.
I told Landon to do a funny face and this is what he came up with.
For anyone who watches the great show, "Community" it reminds me of Senior Chang calling himself the Spanish genius "El Tigre Chino"
Landon's knowledge will bite your face off! Ya bit!Landon is soooo good with Kenzy and she loves him so much.
Cute kiddos!
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what great new pics :) those expressions in the home studio are priceless