About Us

We left the US to live in the Middle East in 2005 with one child and 10 suitcases. We've been here for over 5 years now and we have three children, each born on a different continent!
Welcome to our Blog! This is where we try to keep everyone up to date with news, stories and pictures from our lives! More about us...


2 years old!


4 Years


6 years old! First Grader!


Yvonne & Kenzy


Scuba Instructor Dad

The Camel

The Camel

Fun with the home studio...

Posted by Tim 13 November 2009 1 comments

Before leaving America we bought a home studio. It has a backdrop holder, light boxes and a remote transmitter. Here are some pics from our first time using it.

This picture shows the boys' personalities so well! Landon is our calm boy and Josiah is a rascal. He looks like he is scheming right now... rubbing his hands together like Mr. Skinner in the Simpsons "Exxxxcelllent!"

I just love this expression. I don't know why it's so funny to me but I just crack up everytime I look at it.

I told Landon to do a funny face and this is what he came up with.

For anyone who watches the great show, "Community" it reminds me of Senior Chang calling himself the Spanish genius "El Tigre Chino"

Landon's knowledge will bite your face off! Ya bit!

Landon is soooo good with Kenzy and she loves him so much.

Cute kiddos!

We recently had a plague of flies. I'm pretty sure that they were the descendants of the the plague of flies in Exodus.

"There came great swarms of flies into the house of Pharaoh and into his servants' houses. Throughout all the land of Egypt the land was ruined by the swarms of flies."

I bought some fly paper when I saw 15 swarming around my daughter's face when she was trying to enjoy a bottle. The final fly death toll was nearly 175!

Here are a few pics of the flies:

Misc. Cute Pics

Posted by Tim 0 comments

Check out these curls. Too cute!

The hair is geting longer!

Landon was sick the other night and he was throwing up in the sink. Afterwards he laid down and fell asleep underneath it.

On halloween Landon went to school as spiderman.

Josiah wanted to dress up too.

Landon also has these batman pajamas that have a cape. Josiah is very jealous of them so we gave him a cape... a dish towel hooked on his back with clothespins.

Yvonne made this awesome birthday cake for Josiah. I'll upload a video of us singing soon. It is so great. She put a firework candle in the center of the volcano and when we lit it up it was way cool!

Josiah's shirt says, "Warning: I am three"

One of his presents was this ball with a spinning motor in it. I think it's usually a fun toy for pets but Josiah is pretty wild so it works well for him. ;)

Plastic snake = rockin' present

The grandparents chipped in for this "Sand and Sea" table. It has a sandbox on one side and a fun water channel on the other. Ther ei s apecial doohickey that makes the water move around and push boats. There is also a cool water tower.

But as always... nothing beats a box to play with. Look for the feet.

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