That's right y'all... our little boy just turned the big 3!
He is getting so big! He is way tall too.
We took a trip out to a local water park aptly named, "Aqua Park". I sure hope that nobody hurt themselves thinkin' that one up.
Here are pictures from the day.
Landon loves the movie Cars so we made him Cars Cupcakes. They were straight up yummy.
Happy Birthday to you Landon! Yvonne was trying to get a different shot and a friend of ours thought that she wanted her to take the camera and shoot the video from somewhere else... haha
Chicken Panee sandwiches... mmm.
Drinking a bottle on the ground padded by a few towels.
Landon got a Cars fannypack...
... and a sweet foam sword...
Landon playing in the water with his new sword.
... and a toy phone and bubbles.
Landon and a friend from school... and her little sister.
the t-shirt says: "Warning! I am Three"
Landon's friend Lee Anna gave him some sweet Finding Nemo waterguns and some play-doh.
Birthday time number 2 with some other friends who weren't able to come to AquaPark.
Did I get it all?
Looks like that was an awesome birthday!!! whoo hoo!!!