i'm going to be posting a few "a little late..." blog posts. these are posts that i meant to post a while back but we've been pretty busy.
here is our first one. we took a trip about 1.5 hours away from town and enjoyed a few days on the sea. twas nice. we stayed at a ramada inn and it was very very nice. we had a sweet suite. they don't have any rooms that don't have at least 2 rooms, a kitchen, 2 bathrooms and a nice big family room. our patio also opened up onto the pool area and it was great.Here is the view from our patio. You can see beautiful flowers out by the pool.
Our room was just on down this path on the right. The path to the left of us would lead us down to the beach. The first two nights we actually ate dinner down on the beach. The hotel cost actually includes two meals (breakfast and dinner). This is because this resort area doesn't exactly have a town where you can just walk around in and find restaurants. Pretty much everything that you do in this area is centered around what your hotel has to offer.
Landon woke up early one day from his nap and was super cranky. After hanging out with us a few minutes on our bed he passed out again. he was so close the edge of the bed and we were worried about him falling on the tile... but we were worried that if we tried to move him toards the center of the bed he would wake up... catch 22... so i put about 5 pillows and a blanket over all of them to give him some padding in case he fell. he didn't fall and woke up happy. yay :)
Here are some good pool shots...Landon and I near the stairs.
Landon and Yvonne having a great time together in the pool.
Landon had a great time building up his confidence and jumping pretty far and into the water with me. One time he jumped when we weren't ready... but it was in the kiddy pool side and I was right near him :)Landon and mommy enjoying the drink of the day, the sunshine (lemon juice, 7up and cherry juice).
Landon just being his cuite self in the pool...We thought this was interesting. Practically every piece of furniture had a sticker on it pointing towards mecca to make it easy for the muslim patrons to know which direction to pray towards.