I have lots of pics from my camera phone that I just off loaded and have been dying to share with you so here we go!
--------------------Begin Photo Extravaganza--------------------
Excuse me, miss? There seems to be a mistake. I believe I ordered the large cappuccino. Hello! Look at the size of this thing. It's like Campbell's Cup-O-Chino!
Got this at Costa Coffee... this is the massimo size! It comes with two stinkin' handles just to give you added stability when you're lifting this bohemoth to your grill.
Brother... if you're eatin' off this plate... you already done been invited.
this truck here is affectionately known as the bone truck. ya see... we ain't into the whole aged beef thing here. they just do the killin, deliever the bodies off to the butcher and then the bone truck comes around at the end of every day to collect all them bones.
so we went to another part of town to get landon's picture done up like back home at the portrait studios... except it wasn't exactly the same. here is an example of where they put the picture of your child at the end of the cartoon character droopy's six-shooter... so basically it looks like he is about to blow your child's head off. that's pleasant.
we were at carrefour the other day (the equivalent of walmart) and here are two fun things...
1. there is a mosque inside with a sign leading you down a long corridor... just like the hallway at the malls back home that lead you to the restrooms...
2. there was another store inside called in & out and they don't allow you to bring your carts inside so you must leave it outside... which is all well and good... but i don't know if i would LEAVE MY SLEEPING CHILD ALONE IN THE CART OUTSIDE OF A STORE THE SIZE OF HOBBY LOBBY!!!
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