What a blessing it was to get to go Trunk or Treating with Landon before we leave. Trunk or treat is an event in a parking lot where a bunch of folks decorate their trunks and have candy and we all park in the parking lot and the kids can do all their trick-or-treating safely in one spot (whew! was that a run-on sentence?). Landon was a bumble bee and he was darn cute.Here is a better picture of the van once we had it all decked out with candy and dry-ice. The kids really got a kick out of it and we won 2nd place overall at the Trunk or Treat... it had to have been rigged if we didn't get first. I even downloaded a few songs and burnt a CD to play in the van. We had Michael Jackson's Thriller and a techno remix of Monster Mash from an album titled Rave-o-ween. I love iTunes.
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