Kenzy has been so incredibly cute lately. She's all about telling us that she loves us sooo much! We tell her we love her just to hear her say it back... so stinking cute. It's actually quite ridiculous. We love our boys so much and we always had wished we got a little more cuddle time with them. We're getting our cuddle time with Kenzy. She always comes up and says, "I wanna swuggle." Then the boys tell us they want to snuggle too cuz they're jealous.
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The "guest bathroom" was long ago stripped of it's bathroom fixtures (toilet and bidet) and turned into a laundry room. The problem was there was always stuff all over the floor and it was hard to maneuver in. This was my first project. I just got a fire inside to get this going and I thought about it, drew out what I wanted, took it to the carpenter and I installed it the same day. Now there is plenty of room inside with all the storage up top.
There are two shelves up top. One directly above the door with all the cleaning products, extra TP, etc. and the food stuffs on the other side.
We can walk around and even keep the water bottles on the floor in here now. Hey... there's a sink in here? Cool!
So organized :)
Finally put a range hood up too! I'm amazing!
Yvonne's new scrapbooking station... We have this little nook behind our bedroom door. We've always already had her stuff back there but it was all on top of the desk
with no room or light for her to work on her craft. Now it's all nice and tidy and organiz
ed. I installed the light on the bottom of the shelf above the desk and screwed some jar caps into the wood and then she can put stuff in them and just store them there by screwing the jars into the stationary caps.
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