Kenzy was really cute tonight playing pee-a-boo with her Daddy under the photo studio. Her giggle cracks us up. Enjoy!

I can't believe my baby is 6! He's so big now.
Landon had a pirate party, and he has been so excited about it. Nana sent all this great pirate party stuff, costumes, and giant pirate coloring books for the boys. Mommy made a pirate ship cake with Pirate Larry at the wheel, and we had the makings of a great party. Then, today (his actual birthday) Daddy made him French Toast for breakfast, he got to watch as many movies as he wanted, we went to the pool at his request, he got his presents from us, and we had a steak dinner (which they all loved minus the green beans :))

We like to watch So You Think You Can Dance. The other day Yvonne was at a doctor's appointment and I had all 3 kids in the car with me. To fight the bordom I put on some old school Michael Jackson and told Landon to boogie down. Check out his moves...

I went in to kiss my boys goodnight and they were singing, "the wheels on the bus" when I came in. I looked up to Landon's top bunk and there he was... upside-down but still doing the hand motions as best he could. Hilarious.

Here is a really cute clip of Kenzy playing peek-a-boo in her princess outfit. Enjoy!
Well, it certainly took her long enough, but Kenzy has finally decided that walking is better than crawling. It it so much fun to see her toddle around everywhere. Enjoy!

So, today Kenzy was playing peek-a-boo with her shirt and it was just too cute. Here it is...