After may requests and fighting of exhaustion I have got another slideshow with more pics of Kenzy up. She is an angel :)
Yesterday we brought Yvonne and the baby home from the hospital. I had a friend of ours stay with Yvonne for a few hours so that I could go get Kenzy's birth certificate done. It is not like in America where the hospital issues files everything and then you get the official birth certificate in the mail or anything. Here you get a proof of birth form and you take it to a special office. Since we're Americans I had to have our marriage license translated into Arabic then turn in all our paperwork. So I got her birth certificate and had to have it translated into English for the US Embassy. We will go there first day they're open next week. I wanted to share with y'all the picture that will be on her passport for the next 5 years... and she is 2 days old in it. :)