Josiah has been kissing for quite some time in the form of just opening his mouth and pressing it up against you. So we have been teaching him the kiss sound and he hasn't quite mastered it yet. His interpretation of the kiss sound is to make the raspberry spitting sound at your face. Here is a video of an example of him doing it...
Well Landon's first week of KG1 is officially over. He seems to have had a great time. We are so excited that he is enjoying it. We were concerned because he can get kinda shy and most of the kids there are speaking mostly Arabic. But he is doing great. He gets on the bus no problem in the morning and comes home with a smile.
His first day sans parents was his birthday. They made him a crown and sang him happy birthday and made him feel real special. All the kids got a "first day" picture and his was in his crown. Here it is...
In this part of the world the kids have 2 years of Kindergarten. It really is more like preschool but we really wanted him to go to help him learn Arabic better. He has 2 teachers... one who speaks only English and one who speaks only Arabic. It seems like a very good program and we are excited that our big boy is getting to go to it!
Landon turns 4 on the 8th... but we were having some friends over today with kids anyway, so we just told Landon that today was his birthday. haha.
Here are some pics from the party...
Due to super annoying music... I have moved the post here.