the boys had a great time drawing on their dry erase board. Landon had a great time drawing on Josiah.

We had a great time yesterday celebrating our home country's independence day :)
We had lots of friends over and had burgers and dogs along with all the good fixins... like baked beans, corn casserole, and potato salad. Of course there was also plenty of sweet tea and lemonade on hand and a healthy desert selection (healthy meaning lots to choose from... but not healthy at all).
I also ran around the day before and found some fireworks. It was a cube of 25 mortars with one fuse and it put on quite a show for us. I particularly loved the name of the fireworks... make sure your mind doesn't read it the way it should be (I didn't notice for a day or so). The mortar tubes lobbed the rounds about 100 feet in the air and it was very nice :) Enjoy the vid.
Oh on another funny note... back in the states, when it came to fireworks, you would always hear adults say that they are not a toy. Well here... the word for fireworks is الالعاب النارية, which translated means "toys of fire." That just cracks me up.