We were eating dinner out on the patio tonight. When Yvonne was pouring herself some sweet tea both Yvonne and I distinctly heard Josiah say, "May I have some please". We both looked at each other with a look that said "did you just hear that?". So we decided we might as well encourage him and so now he has to say it before he can get something from us. Landon says it already so we know that the little guy was picking it up from his polite older brother. In this video it isn't as distinct as it was the first time... but it is still cute.
Here is a cute pic of Landon at the same time...
And another funny pic that we took of Josiah the other night when he passed out at the dinner table. Too cute :)

While my mom was in town last month we planted all sorts of plants and flowers. Well they're getting pretty so these pics are for mom to look at.
Yvonne makes this really great Chicken Marsala sans Marsala and it calls for fresh basil so we panted some seeds and they're doing great.
This bushy little plant was about 25% this size when they left. He is affectionately called "cousin it"

So I like facebook for lots of reasons. One reason is meeting new people... not just finding old friends. I joined a group here that likes to hike and an American friend of mine and I joined them on a great hike through the canyons about an hour away. Most of the hike was through a stream and it was totally fun. We stopped at a waterfall and later climbed up it and jumped into the pool below. Enjoy the pics...