Well it was my turn to get up with the boys this morning and when my half-opened crusty eyelids peered out our family room window i saw white stuff. i figured it was just those little sleep cookies that get caught in the corner of your eyes kinda floating around in the muck after rubbing my eyes... but i was wrong! it was snow!
here are some pics of us enjoying the snow!how it is snowing @ 34 degrees beats me... but just enjoy the neat-looking weather widget pic.
"what is this white stuff!?!?!"
he was actually having fun... just a weird moment picture.i'm melting!
i was having trouble sending this pic to a friend... so i decided to just post it on the blog. we went to washington dc a few years back and a buddy of mine snapped this baby.
the mullet was a real fashion statement in the late 80s/early 90s. it has since gone out of fashion... the way of z. cavaricci, black turtle necks with gold chains and tight-rolled jeans.
may the skullet live on forever!

i went to the local etisalat building (communications company) to setup my DSL. i wasn't terribly shocked to discover that it was going to take 2 weeks for them to make their way out here to actually start it up. well 28 hours later i received a call saying that they were on their way! they sent two guys who each had about 1/2 of a clue... so in the grand design they were supposed to compliment each other. the problem was that these two both had the same half. regardless... i knew what i was doing so i set it all up myself and had it going in just a few minutes. my mom said that the service was obviously better here than it was in egypt... i wish that were the case... i know that i just got lucky... or was it more than luck?