I got Yvonne a new Canon Digital Rebel XT for Christmas so that she could take shots of the boys with it. It is a camera that even some studios use to shoot with. She's gettin' good with it and stuff too! She has even bought different background fabrics and everything! Check out her handy work...
We bought this cool ball with all these little spines on it the other day for landon... it also had a light in it that would flash and it looked really cool. Well... it met its demise about a week ago. I threw it in the trash but our house cleaner took it out of the trash. I decided to try and get the light out of it so i knifed it open and retrieved the light which was also broken :(
Well landon started fussing about something so to make him happy i stretched open the whole I had cut and put it on my head... don't worry... it didn't get nasty and dirty in the trash.
After that Landon wanted a turn and so we decided we should all take a turn.

we took the grandparents and the kiddos to the zoo today... There are a lot of great shots on the embedded web album at the end of the post.
Here are the cutest of Landon feeding different animals... going inside the seal & lion cages are normally not permitted but a little 'tip' money seems to turn the right key. i don't ask they just do it.
feedin' the seals...
sittin' on the elephant trunk... he didn't like it.
just playin'
feeding the monkeys...
feedin' the hippos...
the monkey takin' apple of his hat...
feedin' the goat...
the door we went through to have our pic taken with the lion...
the pic with the lion...
Click on the web album below to take you to all the great pics...
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Havin' fun at the zoo. |
I've recently added a new feature under the "contact us" area. There is a button there that will allow you to chat with us directly on skype. Just click on the button if we're online and hopefully we'll actually be near the computer to chat with you. If not... just leave us a message.
If you don't have skype you can download it with the link I've provided just beneath the button. The button will let you know our status (ie... "i'm online", "not available", "away", etc...).
Come on y'all... get chatty yo!

I just got back the pics from our underwater cameras. Here are the shots from the trip to the sea we took. There is a web album up for them... click on embedded album at the bottom of the post... but here are just a few to wet your appetite.
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Coral & Fishies |
Here are some really cool pics from a local church. The church is built into the side of a mountain.
This is a great shot of the same pic as above but on a different day and my camera caught a lens flare. The lens flare gives a pretty cool image when you think of the text on the carving and where the flare is.
Here is a pic of the seating. There is good bit more seating to the right. too but I wanted to show the rock face on the left.
We have had some visitors lately... Yvonne's mom and dad and sister and her mom's friend. It has been a great time. Here are some great pics of our time we took down on the sea.
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pics from the sea |
we had such a great easter! we went to a friend's house for a great lunch. the best part was hanging out together.
the scalloped potatoes were great no doubt... but the kids dyeing eggs was better...
the mac & cheese made with an entire block of velveeta was yummalicious... but watching the kids find eggs around the house was tastier.
the ham was stinkin' great... but nothing could be greater than celebrating the most amazing day and in history!
here is a picasa web album of the day... please click on it and check'em out... they're cute.
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easter 2k7 |
well about this time of year we are usually taking pictures in the texas blue bonnets... well we ain't in texas anymore and there ain't no blue bonnets here neither.
sidenote: haha... i know my mom is dying right now reading all of these double negatives... and i love it. i'm only doing it because i'm talking about texas and this is my tribute to them... haha! i will try to write the rest of this post in the worst possible texas hick talk that i can.
so anyways... we whent to a park down yonder the utha day and found these here flah'ers and theys reminded us 'bout thems perty flah'ers back yonder in texas. so we done took some pikshurs of our lil' boy in sum perty flah'ers.
here be sum more pikshurs that is cute that ain't 'bout no flah'ers.
oh yeah... and by the way...
the tv shows here aren't ever current. we really like so you think you can dance and i have to be careful not to find our who won while i'm on the internet... because we're always at least one season behind.
i was flippin' through our 3... yeah... 3 channels in english that are any good... and this show newlyweds was on. i guess it is some show about jessica simpson and her marriage to nick somethin-rather. i watched for a few minutes and then flipped to oprah. but i thought i had heard that jessica and nick whats-his-name were getting divorced...
so i went to wikipedia and looked up jessica simpson and found out the divorce was final in june 2006... uh.. 9 months ago... like i said... just a tad behind the times.
we visited some friends today because they had a baby just a few weeks ago. we were chillin' next to the mama and up on the wall and there was a fluorescent light mounted way crooked and the wires were all rigged together with electrical tape outside of the light just hangin' there.
landon saw all that and said, "da broken!"... da means this in arabic so he was telling me that it was broken... now what made me blog all this is the response that hit me "oh buddy... that's not broken... it's just the way they do it here."
a few minutes later i thought about that statement and said to myself... "where in the world am I !?!"
so we were at mcDonalds this evening with a friend of ours and her kids. all the kids were playing in the playplace® and one of the kids came up and said something in araibc which would be translated, "take my jacket mom... the weather is hot in the toy!"
haha... arabic (or as we call it, "errbic") is a goofy language.