About Us

We left the US to live in the Middle East in 2005 with one child and 10 suitcases. We've been here for over 5 years now and we have three children, each born on a different continent!
Welcome to our Blog! This is where we try to keep everyone up to date with news, stories and pictures from our lives! More about us...


2 years old!


4 Years


6 years old! First Grader!


Yvonne & Kenzy


Scuba Instructor Dad

The Camel

The Camel

we've been getting some rain lately... for a country that gets just under 1" a YEAR! this is rather irregular. but in all things we praise the giver of the rain because it brings the dust and pollution out of the air... and for a city with about 20 million people and in our desert climate... we have a lot of both.

last uh... "week" 's poll

Posted by Tim 30 March 2006 0 comments

i know that the last poll was up a lot longer than a week... gimme a break... we've been really busy alright?!?

it was the conflict... he is so used to the arguments as a normal everyday aspect of living in this culture that he was kind of thrown aback when i was upset because of being in the middle of this 2.5 hour argument (and i didn't even do any of the talking... i was just sitting in another room).

sorry that i don't have cute little graphs and such to accompany the answer this time.

Enjoy this weeks rather fun quiz!

what kind of minute?

Posted by Tim 28 March 2006 1 comments

a repairman is going to come by to fix our water heater today. he called and said, "i will be coming there in 5 minutes." i replied, "is that 5 of your minutes or 5 american minutes?" he said they were their minutes so i said, "so what you're saying is that you'll be here in about 30 minutes."

haha.... welcome to my life :)

uh... precious moments???

Posted by Tim 27 March 2006 1 comments

ok... so i don't care what country or culture you're from... precious moments is strictly for the ladies... and only the sappy ladies at that (sorry sappy/dainty ladies... but admit it... it takes a certain degree of sappliness to really get into precious moments and franklin mint mail-order porcelin dolls... i mean come on!)

oh yeah so anyway in yahoo instant messenger you can pick these "IMvironments" which will design your instant message around a certain theme (cars, movies, etc)... well, my friend, who is a taxi driver, sends me an yahoo instant message and it loads a stinkin' precious moments IMvironment. I trying decide whether or not we need to have a little talk about this.


here is a screen shot of the IMvironment...

click this picture to have it enlarged so you can enjoy it in all its splendor!

guess what...

Posted by Tim 4 comments

that's right...
pray for our new baby on the way!

thanks for comin' bro...

Posted by Tim 22 March 2006 1 comments

so my brother just came out and visited us for a week. it was a lot of fun. as many of you read from a previous post we just moved and are in an area with a lot more locals. we were walking down a street near our house with my brother and he said, "man i like this street... we're like the only stinkin' foreigners around here." to which i replied... "that is why we moved here."

we had a great time with Chris and I got to use my newly acquired certification to go diving with him.... 'twas ver' nice.

sorry for the delay...

Posted by Tim 15 March 2006 0 comments

life around here has been crazy. we are finaly all moved in as the previous post said. after we got in we have been making changes galore. and we still have a long way to go. for now though my brother is in town! yay! he was headed towards india on a trip there and came through here for a week. we are having a good time showing him around all the magnificent sites here. we are going to try and rent a car today so that we can drive to some really awesome scuba diving sites. when i found out Chris was coming i got signed up in an open water certification course for scuba diving and now i am certified to dive to 18 meters (60 feet). what fun!

thank you for continually thinking of us and lifting us up.


well we've moved...

Posted by Tim 09 March 2006 2 comments

we've been trying to get into a new flat for a while. we are finally here. we wanted to be able to be closer to the people and stuff and we are finally where we want to be. we feel more at home at our new place than where we've been living for nearly 4 months now.

we're thankful to be here. and the culture shock has lessened a little because that part is over! it is still tough though right now and could use your thoughts.


i guess common sense prevailed...

Posted by Tim 01 March 2006 1 comments

the voting public has spoken and it appears that there will be no brain buffet for me. i mean i sure would like some scuba gear in trade for eating brains... but... i'm glad cuz that would have been way gross.

thank you.

well... we have been planning to move a few miles away for months and it had finally come together. we found a decent place with all the things we were looking for. it was a fixer upper but it was worth it because of the location. now we're thinking about cutting our losses and turning away from it. please be thinking of us right now because we are trying to make a wise decision. we want to find a home... somewhere that we can nest... but the new landlord is everything but generous and fair. please remember us.


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